the artist
HI, I'm Dena.
With 12.5 yrs of professional fit modeling in the Los Angeles fashion industry, sewing, design and creation started to really inspire me and bring excitement to my life.
With my fashion background and knowledge in quality garments, I decided to create a shop based on ethical practices, recycling fashion and hand making sustainable, customized garments.
I also start collecting vintage/and second hand jackets to customize for my customers.
The "Custom Bespoke Jacket Bar" was born. It gives garments that may be sent to landfill, another chance to be something cherished for years, maybe generations.
Everything I design, and source, is either second hand, reused, recycled, organic, sustainable, or raw fabrics to ensure biodegradability. I believe in using by-product waste to create sustainable fashion. I am an advocate for animal rights, and conservancy and will never buy or sell new fur and leather that is not a by product of ethical and sustainable practices.
With WesterlyUSA, I am able to fulfill my purpose to help the fashion industry make a change. It's cool to care, know, and be informed when you buy a product. How was it sourced, who made it and how are they treated, where was it made, what chemicals were used, and does your purchase hurt or help the fashion pollution crisis...
WesterlyUSA stands for conscious living, environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

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